Sate Officers showing some of the new 2020 coats.

Upcoming Coat Distributions
Sat. 12/19, 5 PM, Councils 16006 and 602, Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

Completed Coat Distributions
Tues. 11/10, 3-5:30 PM, Council 6010, Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Church, Layton.
Sun. 11/22, 2-5 PM, Council 6010, Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Church, Layton.
Sun. 11/22, 2:30 PM – 5 PM, Council 5214, Saint Francis Xavier, Kearns.
Sat. 11/28, 10 AM – 2 PM, Council 9731 & State Council, Our Lady of Lourdes, Magna.  Flyer
11/30, Council 11246, Cedar City, Collected 516 items, distribution through “Care & Share” (adult coats) and Family Services.
Sat. 12/5, 9 AM, Council 16127, Hill Air Force Base Chapel (over 100 coats).
Sat. 12/5, 10 AM- 2 PM, Council 14399 & State Council, Holy Family (upper parking lot), South Ogden.  Flyer
Sat. 12/5, 5-7 PM, Council 602, Cathedral of the Madeleine (30 coats)
Sun. 12/6, 10:30 AM – 1 PM, Council 602, Cathedral of the Madeleine.  (90 coats) Pictures
Sun. 12/6, 2-5 PM, Council 14239 & State Council, Saint Andrew, Riverton.  Flyer
TBD (12/12-12/13), Council 10733, Saint George Knights at San Pablo Mission in Beryl Junction.
Sat. 12/12, Assembly 1146 (Utah County), various community distributions (Provo, Santaquin).
TBD, Council 12959, Saint Thomas Aquinas Church, Hyde Park.
TBD, Assembly 1146 (Utah County), sharing coats in Carbon County.