2021 Convention Information

The State Convention of the Knights of Columbus Utah State Council will be held on Friday, April 30th – Sunday, May 2, 2021 at the Sheraton Hotel in Park City.

2021 Convention Announcements

2020.10.12 DD11 Frank Lesar meets with his Convention Committee.  District 11 councils are 1129, 14764, and 15418.
2020.12.08 Convention Advertisement Order Form available (PDF)

2020 Convention Information

The State Convention of the Knights of Columbus Utah State Council will be held virtually on Sunday, May 3, 2020 by phone (2:00 PM – 3:30PM); finalized meeting details will be sent to registered delegates by email.  Contact State Secretary Nick with any questions.

Convention Meeting Agenda (updated) ~ Special Rules of Order ~ Virtual State Council Meeting Procedures

State Officers for 2020-2021:
State Deputy: Nick Nielson
State Secretary: Bill Kelly
State Treasurer: Ryan Graveley
State Advocate: Frank Carmona
State Warden: Alex Tarazon
Immediate Past State Deputy: Greg Keller (automatic)
State Chaplain Rev Erik J Richtsteig (appointed)

Supreme Convention
Alternate to State Deputy: Chuck Dover Jr, PSD
Alternate to Immediate Past State Deputy: Andy Airriess, PSD

The following submissions were accepted as published:
State Convention Reports (Officers, District Deputies, Program Chairmen, etc.)
Minutes Committee Report (2019 Minutes were approved, no changes)
Budget Committee Report (Budget was accepted, no changes)
Resolutions Committee Report (amended resolutions were accepted, no changes)

Saturday, May 30, 2020 the Award winners were announced through a virtual meeting:

Scholarship Winners
(from 15 entries from 12 councils):
$1000 winner: Anna Grace Barry; Stansbury High School; Saint Marguerite’s Council 6739 
$2000 winner: Madeleine Grace Klement; Judge Memorial High School; Salt Lake City Council 602*
$3000 winner: Jaime Everardo Gomez, Jr.; Judge Memorial High School; Salt Lake City Council 602**
* from the Council 602 Columbian Society.
** “Dan Higgins, PSD Memorial Scholarship” provided by the Council 602 Columbian Society.

To Be A Patriot Award: Wahlen Veteran’s Home Beatification Service Project; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Patrick M. Cushnahan Assembly 1429; Faithful Navigator: Andy Beck.

Faith Award: “Adopt-A-Parish (Iraq)”; Saint Ambrose Council 15418; Salt Lake City; Grand Knight: Dick Hall.

Family Award:
“Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets for Those Less Fortunate”; Bishop Hunt Council 5214; Kearns; Grand Knight: George H Jockisch.

Community Award:
“Two AED Machines”; Saint Marguerite’s Council 6739; Tooele; Grand Knight: Thomas M Goonan.

Life Award:
“Novena for Life”; Saint Vincent de Paul Council 13297; Holladay; Grand Knight: Gary A Cabana.

Chaplain of the Year: Monsignor Terence Moore; Saint Teresa of Calcutta Council 12181; Saint John the Baptist Parish; Draper.

Family of the Year: Kevin MacGilvery Family; Saint Thomas More Council 11479; Saint Thomas More Parish; Cottonwood Heights.

Knight of the Year:
Sir Knight Jerry Angus; Bishop Hunt Council 5214; Saint Francis Xavier Parish; Kearns.

2020 Convention Announcements

2020.04.29: Recap of all state officer nominations and letters of intent.
2020.04.24: Convention Booklet available online (PDF).
2020.04.21: Special Rules of Order and Virtual Meeting Procedures posted, with meeting agenda.
2020.04.18: Committee Meetings (virtually with assigned delegates).
2020.04.16: Current budget proposal, resolutions, and last year’s convention minutes available for review.

2020.04.15: State Deputy Keller announces the convention will be held on Sunday, May 3, 2020 from 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM.  Using the FLS Connect system by phone, only voting delegates will attend.

2020.04.14: State Convention Council Status Checklist is online at https://tinyurl.com/UT-KofC-Convention-Checklist

2020.04.12: State Warden Ryan extends reports deadline to Sat. 4/18/20 11:59 P.M.

2020.04.08: State Deputy Greg Keller requests State Officer and Supreme Convention Delegates be nominated by 4/17.

2020.04.04: Necrology and Perpetual Memorial online form, due by 4/15.
2020.03.31 Convention Advertising Book Update (PDF)

2020.03.23: State Deputy Greg Keller announces convention will be held virtually (no need for hotel rooms or meals) on Saturday, May 2.

2020.03.22: State Program Directory Ryan Graveley calling for convention reports by Sat. 4/11.
2020.03.20: Delegate Certification Form (online) due by 4/15.
2020.03.14: COVID-19 Convention Update (PDF); it’s still on (for now).
2020.03.09: Necrology and Perpetual Memorial Request (PDF meno), due by 4/19.
2020.03.08: Call for Resolutions by 4/4 (PDF); Proposed Resolutions 1-9 (PDF).
2020.03.07: Convention Meals – online Selection and Payment (by 4/10 is best); link removed/shutdown 3/20.
2020.03.07: Council Giving Guide for Christopher, Vocations, Culture of Life, and Scholarship Endowment Funds (send funds to State Secretary by 4/25)
2020.02.29: Letters of Intent (Nick-SD, Bill-SS, Ryan-ST)
2020.01.17: Hotel Reservation Information (PDF)
2020.01.14: Updated Convention Advertising Form (PDF).
2019.06.29: Convention Advertising Form (PDF).

Before the pandemic made it virtual, the host was to be District #10 councils 6010, 14399 and 16127.  Led by District Deputy Peter Abercrombie and District Warden Michael Dannenmueller.


Convention Highlights

PICTURES are HERE (because it DID happen!)

What a great weekend we all had at the 112th State Convention held at the Park City Marriott.  Friday night’s Past State Deputy’s Dinner drew more attendees than anyone could remember from recent years, and emcee IPSD Andy Airriess’ “Know Your PSD” challenge game was a ton of fun.  PSD Chuck Dover conducted a drawing from participants who contributed to the State Scholarship program.  Winners were $200 3rd prize – Greg Keller, $300 2nd prize – Mr. Alvarado (Cedar City), and $500 1st prize – Debbie and Mac McManaman.

Saturday morning started out with a Rosary, conducted by Faith Director John Valdez, and was attended by most of the delegates before the opening session.  A greeting (DVD) by our Supreme Knight Karl Anderson and State Deputy Annual Report capped that session also attended by our wives.  The morning’s business session highlights were remarks from our Supreme Representative, Jim Scroggin, followed by reports from our State Chaplain Fr. Erik Richtsteig, State Officers, District Master Frank Carmona, Insurance Agent Ken Huard, and State Chaplain Emeritus Fr James Blaine.  Next were nominations for 2019-2020 state officers and 137th Supreme Convention alternates, Resolutions were passed (which only required minor edits – way to go State Advocate Bill Kelly), and passing of the 2019-2020 Budget as proposed (ditto way to go State Treasurer Mac McManaman and State Secretary Nick Nielson).  After lunch, all topics were covered according to the agenda, including all eleven District Deputy reports.

Saturday evening, a wonderful Mass was celebrated by Fr. Erik at St. Mary of the Assumption and attended by a large host of convention attendees.  After returning back to the hotel, the Awards Banquet hosted 180 attendees.  The banquet started with the presentation of colors and an inspirational ceremony “Transition from Regalia to the new Fourth Degree Uniform” was presented by the Honor Guard.  Following dinner, this year’s awards were presented.  The following is a recap of the winners:

  1. Utah State Council $1000 Scholarship – Dante Zubel, Vernal
  2. Council 602/Columbian Society $2000 Scholarship – Samantha (Sami) Villarreal, Cedar City
  3. Council 602/Columbian Society $3000 Scholarship (in Honor to PSD Dan Higgins) – Rachel Bouley, North Salt Lake
  4. Fourth Degree “To be a Patriot” – Reverend Thomas J. Meersman Assembly 2577; The Fisher House Salt Lake City
  5. Faith Award – St Ambrose Council 15418; Karamles Fund Raiser
  6. Community Award – St Vincent de Paul Council 13297; Backpack Bonanza Donations to CCS
  7. Family Award – St Vincent de Paul Council 13297; Keep Christ in Christmas Essay Contest
  8. Life Award – St Teresa of Calcutta Council 12181; Baby Bottle and Shower Campaign
  9. A “Big Check” for over $8000 was presented to Fr Erik, representing the Diocese, which captured this year’s Council and Assembly donations to the Christopher Fund, Bishop’s Vocation Fund and Culture of Life
  10. Chaplain of the Year – Fr Dominic Briese, Bishop Hunt Council 5214 at St Francis Xavier
  11. Family of the Year – the Derrick Family; Michael, Sofie, Children and Grandchildren, St Vincent de Paul Council 13297 at St Vincent de Paul
  12. Knight of the Year – VJ Simonelli; Bishop Hunt Council 5214 at St Francis Xavier

Sunday morning started with a Memorial Mass celebrated by Fr Patrick Carley in the Hotel.  The morning’s main event was the election of next year’s state officers.  Here are the results for the upcoming year (reelected for a second term):

  1. State Deputy – Greg Keller
  2. State Secretary – Nick Nielson
  3. State Treasurer – James “Mac” McManaman
  4. State Advocate – Bill Kelly
  5. State Warden – Ryan Graveley

Jerry Angus conducted the prize drawing for the MS Avon Basket.  A ladies name was drawn, and Jerry will contact her.  The remaining agenda items were covered, and the convention closed at 10:45 AM.

Many thanks to the Convention Committee and all those individuals who performed exceptionally to provide a most excellent convention for all the attendees.

The next major state event will be the Organization Meeting to be held Saturday, 29 June hosted by Fr Escalante Council 1136 in Orem.  Stand by as the details are ironed out.

Convention Info

The 2019 State Convention of the Knights of Columbus Utah State Council will be held on May 3-5 in Park City.
The Convention Agenda (rev. 2019.04.27, “final”).
Convention Hotel (Online Reservations) & Meal Reservation Information (PDF).
Convention Booklet Advertisement Information (Council/Assembly and Businesses) (PDF).
Online Meal Reservations and Payment.
Several options for ladies activities on Saturday are available.

See also: State Convention Deadlines and Timeline


The 2019 State Convention of the Knights of Columbus Utah State Council will be held on May 3-5 in Park City.
Convention Hotel (Online Reservations) & Meal Reservation Information (PDF).
Convention Booklet Advertisement Information (Council/Assembly and Businesses) (PDF).
Online Meal Reservations and Payment.

State Convention Deadlines and Timeline
August 30, 2018 – Council Assessments due to State.
February 28th – District Deputy award judge nominees to State Deputy.
March 1st – State Deputy letter of State Officer intentions to councils.
March 4th – Resolutions due to State Deputy.
March 15th – Scholarship Applications due.
March 15th – State Awards Due: (Faith, Family, Community, Life) Programs; Chaplain of the Year, Family of the Year, Knight of the Year.
March 15th – Patriotic (Fourth Degree) Award Submission for “To Be A Patriot” due.
March 15th – State Secretary provides councils with Delegate Credential Form.
March 15th – State Treasurer provides councils with proposed budget for 2019-2020.
March 31st – Convention Book Ads Due (payment & ad copy).
April 3rd – Submitted Resolutions sent to Councils for review (and vote).
April 5th – {New Date} Convention Book Ads Due (payment & ad copy), deadline was extended.
April 5th – Council Credential Forms Due to State Deputy & State Secretary.
April 5th – (approximate date) State Officer, District Deputy and State Director & Chairman Reports due for the State Convention Report Book, send to Utah.State.Deputy.Forms-at-gMail.com
April 10th – Per Capita Tax, Catholic Advertising Fund and Culture of Life Fund assessments due (to Supreme).
NOTE: Failure to pay the assessments prior to April 10 will result in suspension of the council. A suspended council may not be seated at the state convention.
April 15th – Ladies Activity Selection to Kathy Keller (make your reservations with the businesses early!).
April 15th – Convention Meal Reservation Deadline (extended to 4/25)
April 15th – Hotel Room Reservation Deadline (Online Link)
April 19th – Necrology Report Deadline (send list to State Secretary Nick)
April 19th – Perpetual Memorial Book Submissions Due (names & donations to State Secretary Nick)
April 25th – Final day for Meal Reservations (extended from 4/15)
April 25th – Donations Due (Christopher Fund, Vocations Fund, Culture of Life Fund, Scholarship Endowment Fund)
May 3 – Past State Deputy Reception/Dinner
May 4 – Convention Business (officer nominations), Convention Mass, Convention Awards Banquet
May 5 – Convention Business (officer elections)