Assembly #2577  Reverend Thomas J. Meersman

Location: Sandy

Serving Councils: 6966, 11479, 12181, 13297, 13646, 14239

Faithful Navigator: SK James (Jim) G Vandiver

Faithful Comptroller: SK Todd B Holzhauser

Color Corps Commander: SK Michael “Gunny” Stephenson


Serving: Sandy, Cottonwood Heights, Draper, Midvale, Riverton, Holladay
2019 Utah Winner – Fourth Degree “To be a Patriot” Award The Fisher House Salt Lake City

Meetings: First Thursday of each month at rotating meeting sites (except all are virtual during COVID-19 pandemic).

Assembly Calendar: Click Here (includes the link to virtual Zoom meetings).

Square Site is pending!  (It’s setup, but not working properly yet.)  Use it for dues payment and/or Carmelite Pantry Fund donations)

Email Assembly 2577

Coming Events