Council 13297 St. Vincent’s

Location: St. Vincent de Paul – Holladay

Grand Knight: Edward J Deffner

Assembly: #2577


St. Vincent de Paul Council No. 13297: Holladay (District 7)
2020 Utah Winner – Life Award: “Novena for Life”; Grand Knight Gary A Cabana.
2019 Utah Winner – Community Award: Backpack Bonanza Donations to CCS
2019 Utah Winner – Family Award: Keep Christ in Christmas Essay Contest
2019 Utah Winner – Family of the Year The Michael & Sofie Derrick Family

2018-2019 Council Award: Columbian

The Knights of Columbus Council 13297 have been active at Saint Vincent de Paul for many years. They contribute to parish life in many forms of service and fundraising.

Meetings: 2nd Mon of the month at 7:00 PM – St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Benvegnu Center, 1375 E. Spring Lane

St. Vincent de Paul Parish Website

Email Council 13297

Coming Events