
Knights are involved in many activities every day of the year. If you want to help, start with your local Council and Parish. This page contains information about some of our larger, ongoing activities. Please consider participating in these, or any other program/activity with the Knights!

Youth – Safe Environment

Often program will involve youth, and it’s paramount to keep them safe.

Diocese of Salt Lake / Office of Safe Environment

Knights of Columbus Supreme Council / Office of Youth Protection

Utah Knights of Columbus Special Olympics

Summer Special Olympics 2013 High FivesUtah Knights of Columbus continues its tradition of strong support for Special Olympics. Assemblies and councils can support an athlete, make a donation or participate in an activity. In 2016 we had two Color Corps averaging 14 men per event and over 1,500 athletes were “High-Fived”. We have many special events planned for this year.  

Reporting Form (4584) due January 31 to the Supreme Council each year.
2020 Calendar of Events and Contribution Form 
2019 Calendar of Events and Contribution Form
2018-OCT-19 Opening Ceremonies Photo (KofC Logo on the Screen, Color Guard had left the stage).


Additionally, your financial support is vital to the continued success of this program. We are aiming for support from 100% of the councils this year. You can lend your support right now. Any amount will be accepted (it costs about $250 to support one athlete for one year). Just print out the form, fill in the information, include your check, and mail it to the address on the form. Any amount will be accepted. The contribution form is on the bottom of the Calendar of Events above.

Supreme Reporting Form

No job is complete until the paperwork is done! The following form can be used to report your Special Olympics contributions to Supreme. For every council that reports, even $1.00 contributed or 1 hour of service, Utah Special Olympics athletes benefit.  When more councils report, our athletes receive more support from Supreme. Get the Supreme Reporting Form.

Utah Knights of Columbus Endowment Scholarship

The Utah State Council of the Knights of Columbus is pleased to announce the annual endowment scholarship. The scholarship was established through the vision of the Utah State Council of the Knights of Columbus.
OBJECTIVE: The objective is to assist a Catholic student, graduating from a Utah high school, with their expenses during their first year of continuing education at a college, university or technical institute of their choice.
ELIGIBILITY: The scholarship is available to Utah students who are graduating from high school this year who are:

  • A member in a Utah council of the Knights of Columbus in good standing
  • A child of a Utah council member of the Knights of Columbus in good standing
  • A child under the legal guardianship of a Utah Council member of the Knights of Columbus in good standing
  • A child of a deceased member of a Utah council of the Knights of Columbus who was in good standing at the time of death.
  • The applicant must have maintained a minimum average GPA of 2.0.
  • The applicant must be able to show acceptance to the college, university or technical institute of their choice.

Note: For this scholarship, the qualifying membership must be in an active (local) council; online members are ineligible (until they join a council).

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION: The Scholarship Committee must receive a complete package in order to be considered for the scholarship (address is in the packet). The application packet must be delivered (or postmarked) by midnight on March 15th of the graduating year. There will be no exceptions to the deadline.

The winner of the scholarship will be announced at the Saturday Banquet of the Utah Knights of Columbus State Convention.

Utah Knights of Columbus Scholarship Package

Poster Contest – Substance Abuse Awareness 

Entries in the Knights of Columbus Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest must fall under one of these topics: Alcohol Awareness and Abuse & Drug Awareness and Abuse. Each poster must include a slogan reflecting either of the topics and an original visual image. Posters may only be entered under one topic. 

Resource List:
Official Guide (4112 01/2015) (Rulebook)
Entry Form (4000 06/2009)
Participation Certificate (4016 06/2005)
Participation Report (4001-Utah 11/2020 PDF DOCX; Supreme 08/2014)
Poster Contest Advertisement Poster (11×17) (4357B 08/2011)
Poster Contest Advertisement Poster (17×11) (4357A 08/2011)

Note: With the “Faith in Action” program model, this was dropped as a supreme-recommended program, but it continues in Utah.

Poster Contest – Keep Christ in Christmas

Conducting a Knights of Columbus “Keep Christ in Christmas” Poster Contest is an excellent way to get the young people of your community thinking about the true meaning of Christmas. Overview and information on Keep Christ in Christmas programs and the poster contest guidebook, the resources are also linked from the guide sheet, and here is a link to the entry form (you can fill it out before you print it).

Essay Contest

The Knights of Columbus Essay Contest is open to students graduating from Catholic elementary schools and Catholic high schools. The goal of the Knights Essay Contest is to give students the opportunity to define the role of a Catholic Citizen in a Free Society, and to strengthen the bond between the Knights of Columbus and Catholic schools. The theme of the Knights Essay Contest is announced each year (e.g., “The Importance of Religious Freedom”). Essays must be typed on 8.5″ x 11″ paper, one side, double spaced, with one-inch margins. Essays must be between 500 and 750 words long. The official responsible for the contest is the grand knight of the sponsoring council, or faithful navigator of the sponsoring assembly.
Councils/Assemblies should consider monetary awards along with certificates for winners in each category. Information from Supreme Council

Science Fair

2016 Knights Science FairParochial schools, under the auspices of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, have mission statements that serve to develop the whole child according to the dictates of the Gospel and the Catholic Church and are commissioned by the Church and delegated by parents to teach the children entrusted to their care. The Schools provide well-rounded programs by addressing the spiritual, academic, social, psychological, aesthetic and physical development of each person. The Utah Knights of Columbus, in the furtherance of the mission of the Diocese of Salt Lake, assist by recognition, encouragement and award of Parochial School students and educators in their accomplishments in the field of science. The Knights of Columbus Diocesan Science Fair is open to all Diocesan Middle School students in grades 6, 7, and 8. All participants must have the approval of their teacher and parents. A project entry form must be completely filled out and given to the school representative for each exhibit and all fees paid prior to the fair. The Diocesan Science Fair is held annually in February. Science Fair Chairman Joe Ligori, PSD will provide information as the date of the event approaches. Trophies and bonds are awarded for 1st place winners in their categories.  2021 Fair Information is here!

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship

Held annually, the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship for boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 14 (age as of January 1).  The championship is set up to have the contestants compete within their own gender and age group. All competition starts at the local level (in January).  Winners move on to the district (February) and state (March) levels.  International champions are announced by the K of C international headquarters based on scores from the state-level competitions.  All contestants on the local level are recognized for their participation in the event. Ages 9, 10 and 11 (boys & girls) use a women’s regulation-sized basketball and shoot from a 12-foot foul line. Ages 12, 13, and 14 (girls) use a women’s regulation-sized basketball and shoot from the regulation foul line, 15 feet from the basket. Ages 12, 13, and 14 (boys) use a men’s regulation-sized basketball and shoot from the regulation foul line, 15 feet from the basket. At the Council level each contestant shoots 15 consecutive Free Throws. At the District and State level each contestant shoots 25 consecutive Free Throws.  In some cases, the Council and District levels may be held at the same time.  Certificates are given for the Council level winners. Medallions are given for the District level winners. Trophies are given for the State level winners.  Information from Supreme Council.  The official rules are available for review here updated for 2019 here.

Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge

The Soccer Challenge is a competition designed for boys and girls ages 9-14 to demonstrate the most challenging of soccer skills; the penalty kick. Each player is allowed 15 shots at the goal from the penalty line. The goal is divided into a series of five scoring zones. The upper corners of the goal are designated as 20 point zones. The lower corners are designated as 10 point zones and the central region is a five-point zone. Judges, scorers and ball catchers will be on hand at the challenge. All competitors must register using the official Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge Entry Form/Score Sheet. Contestants must be residents of the State of Utah to enter. Ages 9, 10 and 11 (Boys & Girls Competitions) use a regulation-sized soccer ball (#4) and shoot from the 10-yard line. 12, 13 and 14 year old girls and boys use a regulation size soccer ball (#5) and shoot from the 10-yard line. The Challenge is at the State level. The first, second and third place winners in each division are recognized (e.g, first place winners each receive a soccer ball). Information from Supreme Council (updated for Faith in Action)

Culture of Life

Every life is sacred, from the moment of conception till natural death. As Knights of Columbus, we are called to defend the dignity of each human being at every stage and work together in building a culture of life and a civilization of love.


VA Volunteer Services (VAVS) Opportunities at the VA Hospital!

You may serve Veterans at the VA Hospital in a full-time or part-time volunteer position. Whatever time you have to spare is always greatly appreciated!  The hospital needs all types of volunteers from manning a telephone to driving Veterans.  No position is too small.  Please contact SK Joe Bouley, VAVS Representative, for more information.  You can also visit the VA website at  or contact Alma Datcher at or (801) 582-1565.

More Opportunities To Serve Our Veterans!

On several occasions the Knights are called upon to deliver gifts to our Veterans receiving short- and long-term care at the VA Hospital.  These usually occur around Christmas, Veteran’s Day, Flag Day and Valentine’s Day.  You can volunteer to help put these gift bags together and deliver them to the Veterans or you can donate items and funds to the cause. The Knights also provide Color Guards on occasion and may serve dinner at the Fisher House, where families of hospitalized Veterans stay. 


Any questions can be forwarded to SK Joe Bouley or his deputy representatives, SK John Wainscott, PSD, or SK Sid Cowand, PSD.  Thank you for your generous support!

Drug/Alcohol Abuse Awareness Video Contest

Utah high school students can produce a 30-second video public service announcement promoting drug and alcohol abuse prevention.  The entries are all online and are due by May 15th.  All details are in the entry form.

All the submission will be coming directly to the State Council, so no collection or judging needs to be done by councils.  All councils need to do is promote the contest among Utah high school students who are Catholic, including those not attending a Catholic high school.

Rules for Drug and Alcohol Video Contest